This project displays a functional ceramic vase with a niche sculpted in the center. The vase is covered in a black glaze with an oil painting in the niche. The painting depicts a girl fighting with this box she is trapped in as a sculpted set of manly fingers creep in from the top of the vase. It is supposed to symbolize women being trapped in society by men and their standards forced onto women such as the house chores, have to dress a certain way, etc…

My process for this one consisted of throwing a vase then once it was somewhat dry, I pushed a niche into the body of the vase. Then I fired it in black glaze leaving the niche raw clay. I also sculpted fingers and fired them with no glaze. Next, I primed and painted the niche and fingers in oil paints. Finally, I attached the fingers at the top of the vase with super glue. 


"Cosmetic", Stoneware, 2024


"Two Faced", Stoneware, 2024